Click here to download the Registration form

Rules for Admission

  1. Registration for new admissions in all classes will start w.e.f. 15th March every year.
  2. To confirm the age of the student, his/her birth certificate (original) should be attached along with the Admission form.
  3. The age of the student getting to be admitted in the class first must be at least five years.
  4. Seats are limited in each class. Students will be admitted with out any discrimination.
  5. For seeking admission to upper classes (II to IX) TC should be properly signed by E.O.

Rules for Fees

  1. The fee must be deposited upto 10th of every month.
  2. The late fee of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged after 10th of every month.
  3. Fee card must be brought along with the fee.
  4. Fee should not be sent by the children.
  5. If  a student wants his/her TC, the application should be submitted in March, otherwise, he will have to pay the fees till the date of applying.